Meet Kate Smolich | Founder of Beanie Love Foundation

We had the good fortune of connecting with Kate Smolich and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Kate, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
I started Beanie Love Foundation at the age of 13 in 2008 after being diagnosed with a rare disease called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. At the time I was in the hospital a-lot and began noticing so many other children around my age and younger were also in the hospital receiving care and could use some encouragement. It was during this time that I felt the Lord asking me to help children like me feel less alone. As we grew we began making customized Hope Packs that do just what their name states. They help provide hope, joy, comfort, encouragement, and so much more to a child facing some of their darkest moments. These Hope Packs have not just made a difference in Arizona but all across America as children receive not just a Hope Pack but also support that they are not alone in the the midst of their fight. Our Hope Packs are completely customized to each individual Courageous Warrior and are filled with toys, gifts, a devotional, joke book, comfort items, items that help make treatments easier and less scary, a backpack with their name on it, a personal letter written to them, as well as a beanie for children who have loss their hair due to treatments or illnesses. Since our Hope Packs launched we noticed the need for more support and encouragement throughout the year. Because of this we now have multiple programs available for our Courageous Warriors and their families including but not limited to, Melody Makers Of Hope our virtual music program, Courage and Friends Reading Corner our virtual reading program, Courage and Friends Reading Corner Mobile Hospital Library our mobile library cart offered at a local hospital for children to enjoy, Christmas Hope Houses with gifts for the entire family, our Christmas Cheer Packages that provide activities and baking supplies to help make Christmas memories to last a lifetime, Hope Filled Christmas Packages that provide children spending Christmas time in the hospital with everything they need to decorate their room to celebrate, our volunteer based programs of Encourager Squad, and Courage Creator’s, as well as so much more. All of our programs help children feel loved, supported, and encouraged to keep fighting and to never lose hope.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
What sets our nonprofit apart is how it is run by our family and we are available 24/7 for all of the families we serve. This means that when a family needs to talk to someone ask for prayer or needs support or resources we are available. We have had families reach out to us in state for help even as simple as requesting if we had any movies on dvd that we could drop off late one night due to losing Wi-Fi reception at the local on campus hospital housing during the pandemic. Other times we have had children who have had a last minute hospitalization or surgery who could use a boost of hope through toys or activities to help make their stay a little easier. When families contact us their messages go straight to me. We don’t have any middlemen, so when a family needs help we are able to be right there. A lot of our families have said that something that has blessed them the most is how we know exactly what they are going through and what can help. We’ve walked this road before many times on our own and still do with new diagnosis, hospitalizations, surgeries, the fear of the unknowns and what’s to come. Many times when we make an in person delivery we will sit and talk to a family sometimes for hours because we connect with them and their stories. Something that I hope others take away from my story is that you are never too young or old to make a difference. Many people questioned my abilities when I started at a young age with such a large dream to help children with life-altering diseases, disabilities, and injuries. I was told my reach was too broad. To stick to one disease and state. But I knew that with God no dream was two big and that this was what I was called to do. We didn’t start big and we still aren’t big by some standards but it’s not about size or how large your funding is. It’s all about loving others and stopping for the one. One of the quotes I heard early on that stuck with me was from Katie Davis who said “I have learned that I will not change the world, Jesus will do that. I can however, change the world for one person. So I keep loving one person at a time because this is my call as a follower of Jesus “. You don’t have to be well know or rich to make a difference in a person’s life. You just have to be present, ready to listen, and love with open arms. No dream is too big you just have to keep going and believing that with God nothing is impossible. It may look different than you expect but anything is possible. I’ve learned that from asking for big things and continuing to knock on the doors until I reach it even if it means making some modifications along the way. Through my disabilities I’ve learned that if I try hard enough and make adaptations anything is possible.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I was born and raised in Arizona and I absolutely love this state and the incredible people. A few of my favorites are. Golfing at the Phoenician or Boulders on a nice day with friends and family has always been one of my top favorite activities or going to Topgolf or a local golf range. We have so many amazing small businesses such as Jordan’s Corner an all inclusive and abilities indoor play space for kids, Arcadia Toys and Urbana for toys, home decor and gifts, Arcadia Marketplace, la’ Grande Orange, or Little O’s for a quick snack or bite. Shopping at the Scottsdale Quarter to visit our friends over at Kendra Scott or hoping over to the Kierland Commons for lunch at Tommy Bahamas or dinner at The Greene House. Going to an Arizona Coyotes game at the Mullet Arena for an experience like no other NHL game offers. There truly is endless options of amazing food, shops, entertainment and more all across Arizona that it’s truly hard to put it all into one list.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I wouldn’t have been able to start this nonprofit without my incredible Mom Camille , Dad Tom, my brother Matt, the Lord, and our incredible donors, families, and my mentors and friends who have supported and encouraged me along the way.