We asked some of the most interesting folks in the community to open up about how they think about taking chances and the role risk has played in their lives and careers. Risk is by far the topic folks talk to us most about and we hope the responses below will help shed light on many different perspectives.
Rochelle Perez | Professional Photographer
Risk taking has always been a huge part of my life as well as my career. I personally, feel like taking risks eventually turn into regrets if you don’t take them. I would not be where I am at right now if it wasn’t for taking risks. The first risk I took for my career was choosing to be a photographer. I am from a small mining town in New Mexico called Silver City, most people there tend to have small minded thinking. Photography is more looked at as a hobby rather than a career there. I never had that mindset though I knew from a young age I was a creative, and whatever I ended up doing involved a camera. Read more>>
Stacey Davis | Mindset, Performance, Manifestation Coach
In my humble opinion being a “risk-taker” is what separates us from living an average, stagnant, ordinary life and stepping into freedom, sustainable growth, success, vulnerability, connection, and participating in truly amazing relationships. No one ever accomplished anything extraordinary by playing it safe. It takes courage and a powerful inner connection built on self-trust, love, and worthiness. To attain everything we deeply desire, we have to believe in ourselves and our vision. Read more>>
Kelly Hill | pmu artist/salon owner/mom
I believe taking a risk has played such an important role in my life and career. If I would have never taken the risk to invest in starting my own business I would still be working in a job I was not fully satisfied with. Waking up everyday dragging myself because I did not want to go. I have finally found my passion in doing permanent makeup and I would not have discovered this if I would not have taken risks. Read more>>
Soul 859 | Hip-hop artist, visionary, and entrepreneur
I’ve heard from many people that “chances make champions” and I whole heartedly believe in that statement. Over the years I’ve come to find that every time I played it safe, I broke even at best. The game of life, much like physics, has an equal and opposite reaction to every action you take. The more you give, the more it takes. The more you take, the more it gives. When you TAKE a risk, life GIVES you a chance. The bigger the risk, the bigger chance. It’s quite a lovely song and dance to behold once you get the hang of it. Read more>>
Ana Taylor | Photographer
You never know until you ask, right? If the request is never asked and the intention is not put forth, the answer will always remain the same. I think about the other side of risk as regret. The burden of regret outweighs the uncertainty of taking leaps into the unknown. By nature I’m a curious person, so I’m called to discover what is unknown to me. Looking back throughout major life moments, I’ve always made bold choices. I book the flight, I reach out to the people who inspire me, I compete for the opportunity… for better or worse, I jump and think about what comes next when the next moment finally arrives. Read more>>
Dustin Lopez | Indigenous Graphic Designer + Artist
Take risks and take them often on a variety of levels. Recently I decided to retire as a fire fighter and go into my creative career full-time as an artist and designer. Taking risks has landed me here to this ferry interview. By taking the risk to try and give up a paycheck that a certain I risked just about everything. But I’m not saying to take un-calculated risks. I definitely did my due diligence and homework before I decided to go out and do this full-time. At the end of the day you must ask yourself ‘will it provide you more fulfillment?’…. and if so then take that risk. Read more>>
Samantha Walker | Horse Trainer and Riding Instructor
Risk surrounds everything I do as a horse trainer and instructor. Although it’s not the reason I decided to make this a full time career, it is the reason I’ve dedicated myself to it. As risky as it is for me to ride a horse, it’s so much riskier teaching someone to ride one of my horses or even their own horse. When a person decides to start riding horses they either don’t realize how dangerous it really is, or they come in already fearful of the risk and looking to become less fearful. So many people put themselves in dangerous situations when they start out their horse career. My main goal is to try to minimize as much risk as possible in order to keep my clients as safe as possible. And therefore, everyday I take a great risk Read more>>
Diyah Rahmawati | Entrepreneur
There’s always a risk in every decision. They are an inseparable package. When we decide to take an opportunity in life or business, there must also be risks that will arise. We cannot avoid risk. Because risk is a challenge that must be faced, must be resolved until we become a winner. So, our job is to manage it to get the lower risk. In my life, there was a situation where I took the risk of having a natural childbirth with risking life. I decided to give birth in a midwife with a gentle birth method. In my first childbirth, I had eclampsia for up to 5 days in a coma. The doctor advised me not to get pregnant again, because the risk was very high for my health and safety if this eclampsia happened again later. Read more>>
James Tulin | CEO
“Strong as he who allows his actions to control his emotions, weak is he who allows his emotions to control his actions.” It is a well-known fact that nothing ventured, nothing gained. There is virtually nothing in this life that does not involve some degree of risk and unless you are willing to take chances you will never achieve your goals no matter how lofty they may be. Read more>>