Have you read a book recently that had an impact on you, your life or the way you think? Let us know and check out some great responses from the community below.
Emmanuel Onate | Business Owner & Small Business Coach
I have to start off by saying I love this question, and many of my close friends know and share my love for books, physical and digital. I think at this point my Audible library is probably my most prized possession! By the recommendation of a mentor in 2016, I downloaded “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley. It may sound like an exaggeration, but I can wholeheartedly say that my life would not be where it is today without this book. Read more>>
Taj Maxedon | Cosmetologist & Holistic Artist
Currently reading “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. This is a vital gem in terms of taking your first serious step into any career. It addresses the internal obstacles (often hidden to us consciously) that keep our goal just out of our reach. It has inarguably made a difference in the manner in which I approach the work I do. A quick read, it leaves the reader equipped with powerful tools they will need in their entrepreneurial arsenal. Read more>>
Katrina Shawver | Public speaker, library geek, and author of HENRY: A Polish Swimmer’s True Story of Friendship from Auschwitz to America
Man’s Search for Meaning, by Viktor Frankl, MD, PhD. This inspirational classic was first published in 1959, and addresses the very issue of finding meaning in life, and the difference between those who do, and those who don’t. Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist in Vienna prior to World War II, established suicide-prevention centers for teenagers, trying to help them find their unique meaning in life. It’s hard to argue with a book that has 12 million copies in print. Read more>>