Meet Brit Lashae: Author, Podcaster, CEO & Founder of Journey Written

We had the good fortune of connecting with Brit Lashae and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Brit, what habits do you feel helped you succeed?
This is a really great question! There are actually a few habits that I feel help me succeed which are: 1. Waking up early each morning around 4:30-5:00 a.m. to start my day with prayer, gratitude, and reading my bible. This helps me set the tone for my day. I really had to figure out what time of day worked best for me in order to be productive and successful. In the morning it is quiet, everyone else is usually still asleep, so there are less distractions and I do not feel rushed. Having this habit in place helps me set myself up for success by being intentional in my morning routine and setting up my day based on my goals. 2. Putting specific boundaries in place so that I will not experience burn out. I want to make sure that I am the best version of myself, and that I can pour into others from a place of fullness instead of emptiness. Creating and maintaining a healthy environment is also key in this habit. 3. Having faith and trust instead of unbelief, and speaking my declarations and affirmations on a daily basis. This really helps me change my mindset and allows me to stand on God’s promise that He has plans to prosper me but not to harm me.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
Sure! My name is Brit Lashae and I am an Author, Podcaster, and CEO & Founder of Journey Written. Journey Written teaches ready women how to release and write their testimony through book writing and self publishing. I love to share my story and help other women share their stories in an innovative and creative way. Two of the top things that I am most proud of are: my Triggered Book and Workbook that walks women through how to heal from unhealed emotions and my podcast that I released this year, Brit Lashae Speaks that speaks on Faith + Inner Healing. How did I get to where I am today? So I first started in 2017 with my tshirt line BnPowered and it was an inspirational site where I did weekly encouragement videos sharing my story bit by bit but not to much. At the same time, I got my personal training license and started doing BnPowered and fitness because fitness was a huge part of me healing from depression; fitness really helped me keep moving in life, so I started to create fitness plans for people and sell t-shirts. In 2018, I started to slowly share my healing journey more and more of my abuse, depression, perfectionism, and anxiety, and I also released my first book Armor of Words. In 2019, is when I really opened up about my healing journey and was trying to figure out the space I was supposed to be in, I was writing Inner Healing strategies for women and doing 10 day challenges for women to help them along their journey and then my book and workbook Triggered was birthed at the end of 2019. This is when I truly started to feel God moving me in a new direction that I was trying to run away from to be completely honest. He started to make me uncomfortable in what I was sharing and the products I was creating, except for my books and workbooks. Fast forward to 2020, I was called to start my podcast Brit Lashae Speaks where I talk about Faith and Inner Healing, and in March 2020, God made it very clear that it was time to work on Journey Written and truly market my own books because my books would help women with their inner healing and Journey Written would help others who are ready to release their testimony through book writing and self publishing, so I finally accepted my calling after trying to run from it, and I have to be honest; I absolutely love it! You know when I first started my healing journey in 2017, I promised God that once I learned how to heal inwardly I would help other women with their inner healing journey, and to be quite honest I didn’t think I would be doing that through publishing my own books and also teaching other women book writing and self publishing, so here I am.
Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
The DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) area has so many great things to do, and so many places to eat that are delicious! If my best friend were visiting the area, my first stop would be a Mexican restaurant. One of my favorites is Rinconcito Mexicano; they have amazing chicken nachos, tacos, and Margaritas. Also, while she was here we would definitely check out the Iron Rooster in Annapolis, Carolina Kitchen in Hyattsville, Milk & Honey in Bowie, and BusBoys and Poets. As far as places to visit, I would take her to Annapolis Harbor and of course to see the monuments in D.C. Visiting the monuments is one of my favorite things to do in D.C. Two of my favorite monuments are the MLK Monument and the WWII Memorial. The WWII Memorial is so beautiful as you can sit and watch the water flow in the fountain. Also most of the museums in D.C. are free to visit so exploring and learning as you walk down the National Mall is definitely a site to see. The DMV area is an area that is full of life. There are so many brunch spots, happy hours, bands, festivals, and concerts that we could attend; and to be honest we would probably either have an R&B concert planned to attend or decide on a happy hour to catch up with some great fun and laughter!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
First and foremost God, I would like to thank Him for allowing me to find my purpose and execute it! Next my mother, sisters, family, and friends who believed in me and my supporters who have cheered me on and not only for allowing me to encourage them but also for encouraging me on this journey. One book that I absolutely love and would like to shout out is The Big Leap by author Gay Hendricks. This book has definitely helped me zone into my Zone of Genius and allow love, success, and creativity to flow unapologetically in my life. In The Big Leap, Gary states that, “ Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure.” This book has pushed me to move into new spaces without guilt and fear, it definitely has challenged me to be the best version of myself on a daily basis.
Other: Apple Podcast: Podcast: