We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.

Michelle Pauley | Commercial Real Estate Broker, Business Broker and Team Leader

I’ve been listening to a book by David Epstein called “Range” and in Chapter 6 Epstein says this “No one in their right mind would argue that passion and perseverance are unimportant or that a bad day is a cue to quit. But the idea that a change of interest or recalibration of focus is an imperfection and competitive disadvantage leads to a simple one size fits all ‘Tiger story’ (or) pick and stick as soon as possible. Responding to lived experience… is less tidy, but no less important. It involves a particular behavior that improves your chances of finding the best match but that at first blush, looks like a terrible life strategy.” I’ve had a VARIETY of life goals and professional experiences, all of which have made me a better professional to date. I’ve quit plenty of things and did so when I’ve felt uninspired, trapped, or threatened. But I don’t look at quitting as a failure. I look at it as the learning experience that it was. Glean knowledge and experience for yourself, calculate your risk and then jump. Do the next right thing for you and your family. And sometimes that looks like quitting. The harder aspect of the question you asked is actually understanding when to stick with something. In those situations, I look at the risk-reward balance and asses my own personal fulfillment with the project to determine if it can remain viable beyond where I am with that project today. Question whether something is inevitably doomed to failure or can, with a little more sticking power, be a success. Cull the crap. Persevere with the good. Read more>>

Susan Blumberg-Kason | Author & Editor

I’ve published a number of book and along the way have received dozens and dozens of rejections. It’s difficult to believe in one’s work in the midst of all these rejections, but when I feel passionate about a book project and cannot stop thinking or talking about and only want to write it, I know I need to continue until I find a home for these book projects. Writing is a long process with lots of drafts and edits, and when I read a manuscript hundreds of times and still feel as passionate about it as when I first started, I also know it’s not a project to put aside! Read more>>

Holly Udy-Meekin | Dancer, Coach, & Arthur Murray Franchisee

I definitely identify as a Mom. The unusual thing is that I’ve also thought of myself as having two sets of kids; the ones I gave birth to (Trent and Jade), and the ones I’m “raising” at my dance studio (my staff). I’ve come to realize that my parenting style and my management style are very similar. I try to always come from a place of love and kindness, but I am their parent and therefore need to have the difficult conversations as well. I have never used the phrase “because I said so”. I have always felt that giving explanations for decisions helps foster better understanding and encourages better choices in the future. It’s funny, but I feel that being a parent has made me a better Arthur Murray Franchisee, and my Arthur Murray training has made me a better parent. In many ways my goals are the same in both places: to develop confident, well educated, compassionate individuals who feel that they can accomplish anything with enough effort. Perhaps setting an example with my own hard work has been the most impactful thing I have done. Read more>>

Christian Pfeiffer | Professional Organizer

One aspect of the Professional Organizing industry that outsiders may be unaware of is the significant emotional component involved in the process. While organizing is often seen as a normal task, professional organizers frequently encounter clients who are overwhelmed, stressed, or even embarrassed by their clutter and disorganization. Read more>>

Brittany Middlebrooks | Travel Content Creator

“I would love to just take videos and pictures of my travels all day and get paid for it”, is a sentiment that I hear the most frequently when I discuss my role as a travel content creator. Read more>>

Samuel Moore | Singer/Songwriter/CEO

Leave my hometown to pursue my Goals, and Dreams. I was born in Smithfield, North Carolina, and my hometown is not even half the size of Beverly Hills. I love my Hometown, however I knew my Destiny consisted of Growing, and being around the best of the best in my industry. Read more>>

Yanella Suarez | Actor and Director

At a mere 18 years old, I moved to NYC alone, no family, no support and very minimal funds. I got accepted into The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts and with two months to mull over if I should take the leap of faith or stay in Miami, I did not jump, I flew (literally). The move itself was brutal but believing in myself was harder. Believing that I have something running through my veins and vibrating from my soul that no one on this universe can replicate, it is almost delusional but very crucial to pursue my dreams of being an actor. From doing hard things in my life, I have developed a layer of thick skin that this journey constantly puts to the test. Read more>>