What habits do you feel helped you succeed?

We don’t believe success is random. Over the years we have spoken with hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs, artists, creatives, researchers, athletes, and more. We’ve learned from them – both through their stories and through the advice they’ve shared with us – and it’s quite evident that success is more likely when certain habits are present. So, we decided to ask folks to share their habits with us, especially those that they feel helped them succeed.
What do you want your legacy to be? What do you want people to remember about you?
Creating and Encouraging Relationships. Patchwork Photography exists to create an authentic, life-giving and fun photography experience in order to create images that allow people to be encouraged in who they are; images that strengthen their relationships; and images that over time connect their many small moments into a lifetime of images that creates the story of their life.
When thinking about what is behind the success of my business, I think it is found in recognizing that not everyone is my client! I am not, nor do I have to, appeal to the masses! I can only give what I am equipped to give. I can only serve the people who are open and desiring what I have. Read more>>
The main key to the success of our business DIZPOT was realizing early on that establishing, maintaining, and instilling core values consistent to the beliefs of the organization to guide and develop a strong culture would be paramount to building a successful business. The first core value we established at DIZPOT is “Old School Service”. It is so important to us that my Co-Founder and business partner, John Hartsell tattooed it on his forearm. To us “Old School Service” means viewing what some would call a problem, we consider a challenge to be solved. When there’s an issue, we address it head on with solutions. Read more>>
The most important factor behind my personal success has been Self Belief, i cannot preach it enough and is something i am not ashamed to speak about. Self Assurance is a strength of mine, but being human i use to have an internal battle/belief i was never good enough. After doing a belief change with my mentor to install the new belief of I AM ENOUGH through NLP (Neuro-linguisitc programming), i truly feel a weight lifted from my shoulders and it has been one of the biggest game changers for 2021. Self belief has a huge role to play for the success of the Better Than Before brand also, because without the self belief for positive change, then the mission to impact 1 million becomes a heck of a lot harder. Read more>>
Pure ambition because no matter how much doubt there was for myself, I kept pushing. There’s times starting out when I felt like just living life but circumstances around me wouldn’t let me. Risking money freedom or life not knowing what your getting into all played roles with second guessing. Either your going to let it fuel you or let it get to you. The weed helped me in many ways but to get up and keep it goin that’s on me. Read more>>
The most important factor behind the brand is pulling from a genuine place when it comes to design & creative. By not adding a “cloak” of identity to the brand so it shows true soul and energy to the consumer is the success to the brand. So far I think we’ve been making great strides to accomplish this. Read more>>
After working in art production for many years, I started working in various places such as Art companies, Art Festivals, Artist in Residence programs. I felt the need to do something after seeing all the knowledge, experiences, shortcomings and unmet expectations as an Artist that I gained “behind the scenes” of Art Business. And I started to think about how I could make all these works more useful for artists… What are the needs of Artists? What do artists expect from companies? What are the contributions that companies can make to artists and artists to companies? Read more>>
I would say the biggest thing that helped Mary’s Cup of Tea grow and succeed as a business is my authenticity on social media. I share a lot of my life on there, but not in a staged, picture-perfect blogger kind of way. Instead, I share my innermost thoughts, random things about my life that may seem irrelevant at first, but I think they help my audience connect with me deeper. I am also really open about mental health and the ebbs/ flows I go through as a human with my own flaws, battles, and demons. Mary’s Cup of Tea is tightly tied to Mary as a person and I am always authentic in the way I show up online. Read more>>