Why did you pursue an artistic or creative career?

Artists and creatives face innumerable challenges given that their career path often doesn’t come with a playbook, a steady paycheck or any form of safety net. It’s definitely not easy and so we asked a few of the artists and creatives we admire to talk to us about why they chose to pursue an artistic or creative career.
Music has always been one of the most important things in my life. I can’t really picture a memory in my head where music hasn’t been involved in some way, or that I didn’t associate it with a song or an album. Music is such a powerful language where you can communicate a message without actually saying a single word. The ability to express feelings and emotions has always fascinated me and is one of the reasons why I am pursuing an artistic career. Read more>>
The reason why I have pursued an artistic career is because I have always loved art since I was a child. I took an art class in high school, and have always enjoyed it. Art was always a form of therapy for me it has allowed me to cope with my mental illness and to express my emotions through my art. Being an Artist has also allowed me to be able to share my story with many people, and in turn, many others also have shared their stories when dealing with mental illness. Read more>>
Much like every millennial that has chosen an artistic career post-college, I never thought owning a creative business was in my future. I was living in Tampa, Florida back in 2019, paycheck to paycheck, working jobs within the degree I earned but not feeling fulfilled in the 9-5 lifestyle. I’d taken classes in photography in high school and was currently working a stint as an elementary and middle school yearbook photographer, but I thought that was the ceiling for me. Read more>>
I originally started out as a journalist however after securing my first job at an International Development charity focused on helping women and girls, I realised there are so many more ways to be able to depict issues. Creativity is a global language we can all understand. Read more>>
It chose me. After deciding to leave my family business back in 2008. I honestly didn’t know what I wanted to do. I just knew that I wasn’t growing there anymore. I felt like I had a gift inside of me that wanted to come out although I didn’t know what it was at that time. One day shortly after leaving, I was feeling out of balance. I have always tried to be the best version of myself, so I sat down and wrote out 5 things that I knew would help stay in balance during my transition. Read more>>