Our community is filled with hard-working, high achieving entrepreneurs and creatives and so work-life balance is a complicated, but highly relevant topic. We’ve shared some responses from the community about work life balance and how their views have evolved over time below.

Megan Breukelman | Owner + Photographer, Megan & Kenneth

I think working with your partner has its challenges in respect to work-life balance. We’re fortunate enough to get to spend a ton of time together, but that also means that the lines between work and personal lives can be blurred. However, given that we work in social events and around tons of other couples, it doesn’t always feel like we’re bringing the “office” home with us when those lines get blurred. In the few months, we’ve made progress at becoming more intentional about our non-working time since the current wedding industry is a constantly running machine. Read more>>

Richard Paun | Potter

Balance is probably the most difficult part of having a small family based business. Trying to fill orders, maintain a studio, and handle every day family obligations can certainly be a challenge. There is no doubt that a small business can take over your whole life if you allow it to. Our crew at LAJAMARI has been able to rise to the occasion by sticking to our strengths and interests. Running a small based business has taught us how to prioritize, create schedules, and manage time effectively. Read more>>

Joan Smith | Business Coach–Producing Unprecedented Breakthrough Results

I started my business when I was 44 years old, and I’m now 71 years old. A lot has changed: from working/taking clients at 8:30am to only have clients in the afternoon. I use my mornings for prayer, exercise, having coffee with friends, etc. I still am enormously effective, but I take my time. I also “walk my talk” and encourage my clients to have “practices” (some people say “habits”) that are PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SOCIAL, and SPIRITUAL. that fulfill their (and my!) vision. It’s quite simple, but sometimes hard to do. This is a big part of how I live my life, and how I find balance. I also can say I am happy, and have peace, even times get stressful. Read more>>

David Medansky | The Healthy Eating Advocate

At age 61, David was obese and told by his doctor that he had a 95% chance for a fatal heart attack. David’s doctor told him to find a new doctor because he did not believe David could lose weight and he did not want him dying on his watch. That was the pivotal point, where David realized the severity of his condition and decided to find a way to lose the weight and keep it off. During the next four months David was able to shed 50 pounds, which was 25% of his total body weight. Read more>>

Liberated Sound | Rapper

I realized in my early twenties that you don’t have time for everyone and everything. There will always be a tension between life’s obligations and pursuing your passion/dreams. Finding time to eat healthy, exercising, taking care of your mental health can be difficult. Even giving time to keep your relationships healthy, like spending time with your spouse, kids, and even parents is hard. I try to prioritize God and my family first. However when you say “Yes” to one thing, you’re saying “No” to another. Read more>>

Granulated.co By: Jade Cave | Owner and designer of Granulated.co

In starting my clothing line while also having a nine to five balance is key. With developing my line over these past few years it really feels like one now and I think that just came with time and consistency. I have a normal glide with fitting both into my day the repetition has me see it as one full entity to be successful rather than having to start and stop my day with goals. In viewing it that way it also lets me organize other priorities in my life like working out and having a social life etc. instead of thinking I have to fit those priorities in everyday I fit them in a few times a week. This allows me less stress and more creativity to keep pushing my business forward. Read more>>

Zenia Ellis | Yoga Instructor and Chemist

When I first started my journey work life balance was nonexistent. All I did was work and my “life” was sleeping. I was constantly pushing my mind and body to extreme exhaustion to the point I was having mental break downs twice a week. I had this idea in my head that I needed to become successful to be happy and my short cut to success was all work no play. I thought if I took out the play and worked double I would find my happiness twice as fast. Though when I started my yoga journey I realized that ‘work life’ balance was a lie. Read more>>