Do you have a favorite dialogue, lyric, quote or affirmation? Please share with us below.
Jon Jon Kottenstette | Avid Country Swing Dancer, Amateur Videographer, Pediatric Travel Nurse
“Some dream of greatness while others stay awake to achieve it” This quote really hits home when it comes to how I decide to invest my time and money. How many hours do we dream about what our future could look like, or what we would do different in our past. New ventures are always just a dream till we actually take a step towards them. Our steps don’t have to be big but you do have to start somewhere. I remember growing up the phrase for finding a penny was a “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Read more>>
Dante Anthony | Entrepreneur
“It’s all rigged in your favor” it means everything to me. My godfather introduced me to it. Read more>>
Samantha Robbins | CEO/Founder of Maguire’s Purpose & Lifestyle Blogger
“My happiness isn’t based on how much I have but how much I give!” It is something I’ve lived by since I was a kid. It is a quote I use in my career a lot as well. It was with me when I worked with over 30 charities all over the world as their marketing board member and now is a quote written on my wall as I start my own non profit! Read more>>
Jessica Buckhanon | Gym Owner/Personal Trainer/Co-owner of a fitness apparel line & mom of 3
“When motivation dies, discipline must take its place.” Obviously this applies perfectly with my profession as a personal trainer, but it can really be applied in all aspects of life. I use it in my daily life in regards to my job, work, being a mom, personal goals, getting things done that I don’t want to do, etc. Read more>>
Kimberly Miner | Chairman/CEO
“Hope is never lost. Confidence and self worth is always within reach.” Kimberly Miner Hope is what moves us forward. Hope is what survivors of domestic violence hang on to that they will find a way out. Hope is where a dream manifests. I love “Hope” even during my biggest struggles or darkest moments having the Hope in my thoughts and prayers that these circumstances would change. It gave me something to hang on to each day into the next day. Read more>>
Jim Hinckley | Telling people where to go since 1990 through books, presentations, and work as a tourism development consultant
Working this hard is a sure death, albeit a slower one than starvation. Self employment is often more challenging than working a standard 9 to 5 job that provides the illusion of security with regular paycheck. It is more frustrating, cause an array of worries and concerns, and requires an inordinate investment of time. But the rewards are truly priceless. Creativity is unleashed. Opportunities are discovered. And you have a rare and incredibly satisfying opportunity to make money while providing a service that enhances the world you live in. Read more>>