How success happens

Every overnight success we’ve seen has been years in the making. And those overnight successes are rarely because of an amazing idea or a stroke of luck. We asked some of our favorite folks from the community about what characteristics are at the heart of their success story?
This is an excellent question. I’d like to think a lot of my success came from hopping into the social media realm at the perfect time. It was around 2012 when social media platforms were in their prime if you ask me. Sharing my work across various platforms allowed me to get my work in front of the right people and led to some amazing projects. Simultaneously, I believe my work ethic and determination helped play a part in the success as well. I was willing to put in the time to practice and hone my craft which helped me land bigger and better projects. Read more>>
Hard work, dedication and integrity. You have to be there when your competition is at home. Get up early and do what it takes to solve your customer’s problems. It’s not always easy, but that’s what it takes. If you want to win, you have to put in the work! Read more>>
Results. Reputation. Pitch Public Relations has focused on delivering outstanding media coverage for our clients. This dedication to real results has built our reputation and led our company to be completely referral driven. Unlike other agencies with robust sales teams, Pitch PR is solely focused on service. We are in the relentless pursuit of national media coverage with print, broadcast and online outlets and we are savvy in our approach to ensure we get our clients in the spotlight. This commitment has driven our brand and grown our company over the past 11 years! Read more>>
Determination. It is an important skill to learn and then you must continue to grow it. Determination when challenges appear is a constant educational opportunity. Learning to adapt to the challenges and adapting to a every constant changing business environment is one of the many keys to success. Read more>>