How do you know when you should keep going versus when it makes sense to cut your losses and try something new?  It’s a difficult decision most entrepreneurs and creatives have faced along their journey and so we asked some brilliant folks from the community to share their thoughts.

Phoebe Jenkins | Health Coach & Fitness Trainer

The messages I receive from total strangers are how I know to keep going, instead of giving up. There are times when work is slow, or building business gets complicated, or the rewards don’t seem to outweigh the challenges, and in those times, I question my motives and whether I’m on the right path. I catch myself thinking, “maybe I should give up and work a 9-5 for a company”. Then I get a ping; it’s a message from a stranger and they say things that will never allow me to give up. Read more>>

Lucy Dickens | Fine art oil painter

So many thoughts come to mind as I ponder this question. Do I answer in reference to perseverance in my success as an artist, in the pursuing of and seeking to achieve excellence in my craft? I also can’t help but think also about an individual painting and when it is done. When to push through and when to put the brush down? The answers to both of these vary. From the first time I put brush to canvas, I knew this is what I was supposed to be doing. This is who I am. Read more>>

Annie Loyd | Retred from working for others, Artist and Photographer

That’s the million dollar question.. You bought the tent and the panels…a couple thousand in equipment or art needs. Join an art group like the Art Alliance, and start showing what you love, and love to do. What if a few years pass, and still not the sales you would have expected? The question is: Why am I still doing my art? Is it to sell or because You love doing it. Maybe you need to sell it because there isn’t enough room in your home to keep it all. My suggestion is to keep watching what people are drawn to at an art event, then expand it. Read more>>

Kim Nelander | Handmade Sterling Silver Artisan Jewelry

Always Keep Going! I refuse to give up, to the point it makes me crazy! Read more>>

Jessica Cecilia | Model

It is not in my mindset to ever give up. There may be months that go by that I don’t do any photoshoots like right now during this quarantine. As soon as it’s safe to shoot again I will be back at it. I have certain family members who don’t support me and will try to get me to quit. That’s when you need to just do you and do what feels right. I plan on modeling until I’m at least 90 years old. Read more>>

Carissa Gould | Owner/Operator of Mama’s Dogs Boutique Hot Dog Cart and Catering Co

First and foremost, never give up on your dreams or yourself. Life will throw you curveballs in every aspect of your life. When that happens you readjust, reevaluate, simplify, straighten your crown, and keep on moving full speed ahead like the boss you were made to be. It’s wise to dive deep within yourself and discover what’s working for you and what’s not. If it no longer serves you to the highest good, then go ahead and let it go. The way you run your business today is most likely not the way you ran it your first year. Read more>>

Sophia Hobley | Interior Designer

I do not believe anyone should ever give up. Most of the time when people give up, either they have gave up too soon or have given up on searching for new ways to keep going. Feeling like giving up happens to all of us and more often than not. There is always a way out or around this feeling, you just have to seek out a different direction. Always surround yourself with people who lift and inspire you and never forget the passion and flame that was once felt before the endeavor started. Read more>>

Ruben Gonzales | Printer, Fabricator, Whiskey Drinker

I guess I know when to keep going is after we deliver a product or finish an installation and the customer finally gets to see it functioning or with there own eyes. The reaction they generally give us is something I can explain and definitely makes it worth the hardship of the build or job or print work or whatever the case maybe that allowed us to finish the job! The other factor is when we allow an Artist into our shop for a gallery showing and they have never had one, Its such an incredible feeling to watch them glow with excitement as the crowds of people come by to see their work and meet them etc. Read more>>

Craig Thornton | Visual Artist and Illustrator

As an artist, I have a need to create. I have always loved to draw images and to share my creations with those that appreciate my work. I still have a ways to go to reach the audience size that I’d like. There are certainly times when I get discouraged. I get rejection letters for applications to art shows or lack of engagement on certain social media postings. In these situations, I stay focused on my main goals to create new images and to reach more people with my work. Read more>>

Sheila Waits | Artists

There have been times since I started back painting that I have been not sure about my ability. I see so many amazing artists. But this is what I have learned from that way of thinking. God has given each and everyone of us gifts. We are all unique in how He created us, no one is alike. Comparing ourselves to others is not what we are supposed to do. I have learned to be at peace with who I am with a knowledge of I will improve the more I in gage in the process. The most important thing is I love art, and I love to paint all of God’s creation. It’s endless! Read more>>