We had the good fortune of connecting with Julia Rose Studios and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Julia Rose Studios, what is the most important factor behind your success?
The most important factor behind my success is perseverant networking. The success of an independent artist is directly correlated to the opportunities that present themselves. Some artists are lucky enough to find opportunities early in the pursuit of their art; however, many artists need to create these opportunities for themselves through dedicating countless hours to persistent promotion and networking. I am grateful to have the drive and passion behind my current music endeavors to be able to push through the moments of self doubt. When I feel tempted to give up, I have been able to convert my discouragement into a fuel that will help me work even harder toward achieving my ambitions. It often is uncomfortable and a learning process but so far, I haven’t quit yet. Progress is not linear and thus success is dependent on perseverance.

Networking and collaborating is key to finding new opportunities for growth. I invest ample time toward staying connected with the people I meet along the way; particularly those who inspire me. There are a million ways to succeed as an artist, there’s no handbook, no recipe to follow. I’ve found the nationwide community of musicians in the US to be extremely supportive as a whole and this support is the reason why I am still chasing my dreams and further crafting my music career. We all understand how draining the hustle culture can be and as independent musicians, we have to create our own workplace community. I began my career at open mics in Central Vermont, engaging with the local community to share inspiration. The culture shift of the pandemic quickly expanded the scope to social media platforms where location was no longer a limit for collaboration. I began writing songs with artists in different states and countries and I used instagram to find artists to play shows with in new locations. Since moving onto the road, I’ve found that festivals are a great way to network and meet new artists, friends and fans. My final source of motivation through networking has been studying the success stories and purchasing online courses and mentorship with artists who have thriving online businesses. Because I studied math and physics in college, I’ve had to teach myself everything I know about music and business by asking questions to the people who inspire me.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
My artist name is Julia Rose Studios and I bring my studio on the go. I perform original indie-soul songs by looping viola and vocal melodies. I also have a wide repertoire of popular cover tunes spanning the folk, pop, jazz and rock genres that I play with the looper pedal or on ukulele. I most often perform solo but have recently been coordinating bands with local musicians throughout my travels.

I released my first album, Time is Now, to all streaming platforms on September 1st, 2021. I started the album four years ago and somehow had the dedication to see the project through to the end. I’m proud to have created something tangible to share with the world and to leave behind. The album captures the essence of my being and is the biggest project I’ve ever done in my lifetime. I created a video series to accompany the album release. The Sauntering Studio Series captures my musical adventures, as I play my viola while skiing, rock climbing, white water rafting, tree climbing, swimming and so on… The outdoors have always been healing and integral in my self care practices. I subsequently use my music as a vehicle to inspire making space for intentional adventures of your own.

As I released my album, I moved into an RV and hit the road for a nationwide tour. I had planned the first month of travels and left space to find opportunities once I made it west. After years of building a network in Vermont, I am now paving a new path. It’s challenging to be constantly searching for new connections especially knowing how much I’d established for myself back home. However, I gravitated toward Utah and landed myself a residency at the Spitfire Smokehouse in Moab for the month of October. Since then, I’ve made my way to the California Coast. I’ve performed in 10 states in the last couple of years and my new goal is to see if I can play a show in all 50. I’ll be in California for the next couple months and then I’m excited to be heading to Arizona in January. I currently have a show booked at Diana’s Cellar Door Wine Bar in Kingman, AZ on January 21st as well as a show at the Bisbee Hotel on 1/24 with more Arizona events to be announced as the new year approaches.

My journey as a musician so far has been full of obstacles and moments of self doubt. I’ve been able to navigate the challenges because of the support I’ve received from my community. It is particularly challenging to make a reliable income off of my art. I find it extremely helpful to find seasonal part time positions to supplement my work as a musician. Having too much financial pressure on my art makes it that much more difficult to be creative.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I want to dedicate my shoutout to the network of musicians that have inspired me to grow musically over the years, even in moments of self doubt.

Website: juliarosestudios.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliarosestudios/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JuliaRoseStudios

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPV0N5JHPhNRGSaKRBtsn_g/featured

Other: Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/46IqIOuOkEqrorQiZagzD9?si=FkKZszonRCKk0n_59k_23w&dl_branch=1&nd=1

Image Credits
Photo on stage at Nectars: Divided Sky Photography (Mary Johnson)

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