We asked some of the city’s rising stars about why they think they have been so successful and we’ve shared their responses below.
Bethany Grissum | Entrepreneur
The life long practice of discipline. Probably one of the most challenging and rewarding aspects of life in general. Understanding it’s importance and placing the proper perspective on it creates solid foundation for practically anything “positive”. I feel as though discipline is what we’d consider success, in of itself. Read more>>
Ketonya Bankston | Founder & Professional Makeup Artist
The habit(s) that helped me to be successful is being a consistent person. I’m consistent in how I run my business and how I treat my clientele. Consistent people are successful people! Read more>>
Alex Pernicka | Owner
There are so many things it takes. One thing I would focus on is growing your self by making yourself more valuable. Learning new skills that apply to your business and making it run smoother or make more profit. Also never be afraid to try or take on jobs that make you nervous. It may turn out great or hard or turn upside down but you will learn a lot from taking on things that intimidate you, its forces you to grow analyze yourself and your business. Read more>>
Ahna Maglinti | Fitness Competitor, Psychology Assessment Analyst & Marketing Director
The main habits that have helped with my overall success, in anything, is prioritizing, time management, and rest. Being a single mom, business owner, and fitness competitor, I have a multitude of tasks and responsibilities throughout any given day. I typically prioritize each day the night before. I list what tasks/responsibilities need to be handled in the matter of its importance. Then I just chip away at the list. I don’t feel so overwhelmed and if I have extra time, I can take care of other things I didn’t think I would have time for. Time management is another habit I maintain. Since I compete, I have to train anywhere from 1-3 hrs a day depending on how close to a show I am. That means I have to set my alarm as early at 3:30a to get my first training in before I start work. Read more>>