One of the most important lessons we learned is that our lives and our businesses will teach us along the way. We don’t need to know everything on day one because the challenges we face on day will likely be ones we are already equipped to handle. As we overcome challenges we get better and better and as the challenges increase in difficulty so too does our ability to tackle them.

We asked members of the community that we admire to share important lessons their business or career has taught them and have shared some of those responses below.

Kyah Even | Beauty Influencer & Makeup Artist

One lesson that I’m continuously being reminded of in regards to my career, is that everyone’s success story is different. The daily tasks, tips, and strategies that you read about from the “big name” bloggers, aren’t always a guarantee. What works for someone, may not work for the next person. I’ve learned that through every season of my career to trust in the timing of my life, and to rely on the Lord to open doors of opportunity. I would much rather follow where He’s leading, than follow along, step-by-step, the path that everyone else has walked. Read more>>

Brittany Trull | Content Creator

For me the most important lesson I have learned while working to grow my own audience and business is to focus less on the stress of numbers and do it because you love it. With social media it is so easy to lose the love of it when you focus on stats or others but when it comes down to it I have learned having a loyal community of 10 people who truly love and support your work is always worth way more than what it seems. Read more>>

Gabriel Baiza | Custom Furniture & Fabrication

To trust yourself. Art is very subjective, not all will love or like what you do, and that is okay. Art also has very niche spaces, meaning not all consumers will fall into your space. This business has taught us to stay true to ourselves and our designs regardless of the comments or opinions. Read more>>

Kelsey Strothers | Co-Owner of Worth Takeaway

Purpose is very subjective. So many people look for ways to find purpose through their careers. While my job can be enjoyable at times, it’s not always so, and knowing that my value doesn’t come from my job is important. Also, we sell mostly sandwiches, many wouldn’t consider that a noble career. We don’t see our business as sandwiches, we see our business as people and we happen to serve sandwiches. If we can help foster personal growth for anyone on our team, then we’re really finding success in our work. Read more>>

Terra Schaad | Founder of Hunkapi Programs

To know my strengths and know my weaknesses and ask for help. I cannot be the smartest person in the room or I will never grow and neither will the business. Read more>>