Risk is the most common topic that comes up in our conversations with entrepreneurs and so each week we ask entrepreneurs to talk to us on the record about how they think about risk.
Kaitlin Daley | Servicemember, Real Estate Agent & YouTuber
Taking risks can be frightening, but some of the most rewarding things in life can be found right on the other side of fear. Going head first into the unknown is almost always a scary thing, and it feels risky. Read more>>
Mary Rylant Batson | Atmospheric Abstract Artist
Taking risks comes naturally to me. How else do you learn? For many years my life was ripe with family and a fulfilling yet demanding job, not leaving much time to explore myself. Luckily that job did fuel a creative mindset for me and kept me going as time was marching on. Read more>>
Laurie LaPat-Polasko | PhD & Scientist
When I was in high school, I did not consider myself a risk taker. However, in my senior year I was riding on a motorcycle with my boyfriend when we were hit head-on by a drunk driver. I was rushed to the hospital where I was given my last rites, and fortunately my boyfriend only broke his leg. Read more>>