We love asking the folks that inspire and excite us about what inspires and excites them. Check out their responses below.

Danielle Butterly | Author and Yoga Teacher

I am inspired by anyone who is doing something DIFFERENT than the norm, the standard, the expected paths to follow. I don’t care how “successful” it is, monetarily speaking (especially when it’s their first venture) because it’s not about the money in the beginning. It’s about the courage and drive to take that leap into the unknown. To have faith in the product, service, or information that their offering, while knowing there is a possibility of failure. When someone knows it might not work out, but TRIES anyways. That’s what inspires me. Read more>>

Tyson Myers | Maker, Dreamer, and Magic Bean Buyer

Acts of kindness – big and small, random and planned out. Time is truly the most precious resource. Life is busy and it’s easy to get into a routine. I am inspired by people who make time and are active in how they can make a positive impact in the community. I am amazed by individuals and organizations that have started movements, rallies, walks, runs… heck, their entire existence on serving others. These organizations make a big impact on the lives of many. Sometimes it is a small, random act of compassion that can also make a big impact. Ever have a shit day get turned around by some random gesture of human kindness from a friend, family member, or even a stranger? I have. It’s a breath of air during a time of stress that puts me in check and reminds me about what’s really important in life. Lumibean was started as a way to get involved and give back. Our vision is to turn everyday rituals into inspiration for doing good in the world. Read more>>

Jesse Andre | Multi-Media Craftsman & Photographer

I’m inspired by people and institutions-or groups of people-who achieve extraordinary things. I believe that humans are given an incredible amount of potential that we only sometimes live up to. I’m inspired when someone pushes past physical, societal, geographical, economic or mental barriers to accomplish a goal which, by the achieving of that goal, enhances the functionality or beauty of the world or enables someone else to further pursue their own goals of a similar purpose. By achieving something extraordinary, one can establish a heritage, which is something else that I’m inspired by, or simultaneously inspired by, you might say. I think it’s important to use this life to create, or do something that subsequent generations, or even people you know will be proud of and pass on. Read more>>

Erik De la Cruz aka DELA | Artist & Muralist

Im inspired by nature, the cosmos, but mostly the human experience. Also environmental consciousness has played a vital theme in my work. The relationship humans have with our planet and how that can be a positive or negative exchange has always intrigued me. Read more>>

Mel Greenberg | Author. Producer. Midlife Advocate.

Life! I know, a bit of a broad brush… But seriously, at its very heart, life – this one magnificnt life we’ve been given, is precisely what inspires me to live, to create, to be. To consider the myriad of stages we progress through over our years, ultimately provides a deeper understanding of the human condition. What motivates some, inhibits others, how we all manage what life tosses our way? These are our stories. This is life. Read more>>