What makes you happy? Why?

We regularly ask our interviewees what makes them happy because at the end of the day, what else really matters? We’ve highlighted some of the responses below.
I’ve always found the greatest joy for me is when I’m producing/directing films. I love telling stories that entertain others and help people escape from reality, even if only for a couple of minutes out of the day. There’s no feeling like being on set and surrounding yourself with passionate, like-minded creatives all working toward the same goal. The energy you feel is honestly so electric, and I have so much fun that it never feels like work. When you get the chance to witness words going from script to screen and see your story and characters come to life at that moment, there’s no greater happiness for me. You feel such a sense of accomplishment, knowing that you and your team put so much time and energy into something and get to see it unfold right before your eyes and show it to the world. It makes all the hard work, late nights, and stress worth it in the end. Read more>>
As Maria Montessori once said, ” The child who concentrates is immensely happy.” I believe this applies to grown-ups as well. I find myself truly happy while I’m in a zone completely focused on creating something from scratch. Maybe it is a painting I’m working on or a song I’m practising. To me, it’s no different than meditation. Time flies when you’re concentrating and it’s exhilarating to see your work unravel in ways you didn’t expect. Read more>>
I love this question because for a long time, I wasn’t happy. I was filled with worry, sadness, frustration and so many other emotions as my mom journey journied through Alzheimer’s. Once she passed, I needed something to fill the void of losing her and my identity as a caregiver. Writing and publishing my book, “It’sNotThat Simple: Helping Families Navigate the Alzheimer’s Journey,” started to really open me up and allow happiness to come back in. The reason? Because as I relived the journey and the decisions we made, as I wrote the caregiver tips and conversations starters, It felt so good knowing that thousands, if not millions, of caregivers would be helped by my book over the coming years. Now, working with Alzheimer’s family caregivers, every time I hang up from a call, I’m filled with happiness because I helped a caregiver build a coping plan, solve a behavior issue, or find peace of mind. This work, my passion, fills me with happiness and gratitude. Read more>>