We had the good fortune of connecting with Danny Adelman and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Danny, how do you think about risk?
Risk taking and risk management have huge roles in many facets of life. I’ve learned that a lot of risks, if thought through carefully and backup plans get put in place to mitigate loss from a risky situation, the loss and or fear of taking the risk are actually not as bad as you think. I wish I started taking larger risks earlier in life, so I recommend that to anyone in their early 20’s. There are other things in life where investing in yourself or your business seems like a risk because you can “lose” a lot of money, but I’ve learned that in reality, you’re just trading the money for a different kind of return that isn’t financial, and the return is usually is in the form of experience. Whether that experience is good or bad, most likely you’ll learn from, grow, and become better as a result.

Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
To be honest, I had my doubts of where things were going to go with my business all last year. Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster experience and in my opinion, if anyone says anything different, they don’t know what they’re talking about. The beginning of this year, however, I got in a positive mindset and I sat down and really buckled-in with trying to grow it. Right as my marketing momentum was picking up, COVID sprung up and put a halt on some of that momentum. Ironically, with the advent of COVID-19, it has actually propelled my business farther in a short period of time than without it. A big factor of that, is many businesses needed to pivot to online to stay in business or boost sales and we specialize in designing and developing websites. Another factor, was the fact that now remote work is becoming widely more acceptable in the US now and that was already something that my business was geared towards and prepared for, prior to the COVID-19 crisis. Another COVID-19 silver lining would have to be that a lot of people I know have been coming together and partnering to help one another during this difficult time — a lot of work being done for low-cost or for free, just to help out. We have partnered with a few other companies locally and across the US and have been building business relationships that have been helping not just our agency businesses, but our clients as well. Pooling together our strengths to help others in the world during this current climate is a great thing and I’m grateful that my business can be a part of it. Currently, we’re preparing for a website refresh with new projects and plan to start content marketing soon to help provide more free value for people and businesses looking to get brand identity work done, websites, and motion graphic / video content produced.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Being a foodie, I’ve got a lot of food suggestions! Chino Bandido is a Phoenix-only spot that is a must-try. Taco Sahuaro in the Camelback East Village area is home to authentic and amazing lunch mexican food. From there, I’d say we take a short cruise through Central Phoenix just to explore the area as it’s very lush and green and totally doesn’t feel like the desert whatsoever. At night, I’d suggest hitting up Downtown Phoenix for sure, Cornish Pasty Co. for some comfort food, hopping between bars like Lustre and Valley Bar. Ending a night in Arcadia is always nice and chill. The Little Woody is probably my favorite spot in that area. There’s honestly a lot of little pockets of each sub-city within Phoenix that have amazing food, drinks, and things to do. I’ve explored most of it but there is still a lot left unseen and new springing up every year.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I’ve got a lot of shoutouts! In terms of positive reinforcement and feedback, my Mom will always be first on the list. She’s helped in many conversations about making important life-changing decisions and she’s always been supportive. In terms of business mentorship, William Cobb of D3FY.com, Luis Saldana of WebTheoryDesigns.com, Steve & Lynn Fraizer of FlyingCompass.com, and Tad Sallee of TSCinema.com have all been very instrumental for me to getting not just advice but very valuable information and support on getting my business off-the-ground.

Website: https://liteningagency.com
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