Meet Scott Carpenter: Fitness, Lifestyle, and Mindset Coach

We had the good fortune of connecting with Scott Carpenter and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Scott, can you tell us what you are most passionate about?
Have you ever looked in the mirror and didn’t quite like what you saw? I’m not talking about just physically, although that may also be true. I’m talking about collectively as a person. Maybe you don’t think you are where you should be right now with your job or career. Or perhaps your relationship isn’t as smooth as it should be- and question why you yell at each other over the smallest things. Maybe you look in the mirror and the first thing you see is that spare 20 pounds you’ve had for years and never get around to getting rid of. Or maybe you just don’t seem to wake up with any gusto or motivation on days, and you are just trying to get the day over with so you can plug into the TV and not have to deal with “life”. And we always at least partially assign some blame to others- our boss, our significant other, people bringing snacks in to work, the economy… But you cannot control those- and focusing on external things you cannot control will never help you. The only thing that you have absolute control of is who is staring back at you in the mirror. That is my passion. To me, there is no higher purpose than helping others live their greatest lives. Physical health, mindset, and habits will determine your success and happiness in life- no matter what your goals are. My passion is to lead you there.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I new in my mid-twenties that I wasn’t happy with the way I looked, the way I felt, my career, or my life in general. I was miserable. And looking back on that period of time- I was very depressed at the time and I didn’t even know it. My life wasn’t going as planned, even though I followed the recipe: get good grades, get into a great school, land a stable job with a big company, and settle in for a long, uninspired life. Some of those things are great for certain people, but none of those things were right for me. I just wasn’t living up to my potential, and I felt like I was failing at life. And worse, I didn’t see a way out. I felt as if my life and my dreams were slipping away, and I had no idea of what to do to keep it from happening. It was like I was sliding down a mud whole, and nothing I could grasp at was strong enough to keep me from going further into the pit. And the further I would sink, the more hopeless the situation looked. But then I got lucky. I decided to put all my efforts into something I could control- independent of my chances of promotion at my job. I resolved to get in shape, and began working with my first coach. I resolved to doing everything I needed to with exercise and nutrition- and for the first time in awhile, I began to see success. Little did I know that putting my effort into something that I could directly control would have amazing, cascading consequences. The energy I gained allowed me to have a renewed interest in life and lift me from apathy. The confidence I gained from getting in shape and looking my best gave me courage to move across the country to start a new career. And the belief in myself that I realized for the first time in a long time carried me through to eventually start my own business in order to help others, like you, change your lives just as I have. If you want to change your life, start with yourself. Every one of my businesses starts with this principle, and we serve people in need through online fitness and lifestyle coaching, businesses through employee wellness and productivity programs, Arizona residents at local personal training studios, and self-identifying nerds needing help through and online community. Each of these entities serves to help and empower you to break your chains and live your best life within weeks. You can find these at:
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I moved to Phoenix, Arizona over 10 years ago… There are many places I enjoy visiting, but no other place I would want to live. If I were to give someone the best experience when visiting, I’d have our time split between the valley and mountains. In the mountains, I’d take the short trip up to Flagstaff. We’d pick out a hike or two off of some forest roads to enjoy the amazing pines. We’d spend an evening around the colorful downtown area, and the following day we would take the winding 89-A route through Sedona for a quick hike through Oak Creek Canyon and some Jeep offroading. A quick trip through some wineries around Cottonwood would be perfect will making our way back to the valley. In Phoenix, we’d stay at one of the many beautiful resorts we have to choose from- as sometimes there is nothing better than a cool drink at the pool. We’d have to take a class at the Phoenix Society of Historical Swordsmanship. There aren’t many places that you can learn traditional European fencing, and this place has some amazing instructors. Exploring Old Town or downtown Tempe is a must on a rented electric scooter. I don’t care what your age is- you are immediately a kid again when you get on one of those! We’d definitely get our workouts in at Underground Fitness of course- and we have an obscene amount of amazing restaurants to choose from- so that is up in the air!
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’ve always been a self-taught individual. That can serve a person well for only a short period of time. It wasn’t until I worked with my first business coach (for my personal training studios) that I realized the power of working with coach, and how much it can accelerate your success. Thank you Jeff Larsh and Two Brain Business!