We had the good fortune of connecting with Will Armijo and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Will, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
I was forced into it. I tried very very hard to “fit in” to the cultural norms of getting good grades in school, being good at taking test, and getting a degree before entering the workforce, etc. I even went as far as to obtain my MBA. What I realized is that I wasn’t designed for the system. The system doesn’t honor creativity. It takes creativity and visualization to turn what’s in your mind and in your heart, into something tangible. Into something relatable, absorbable, and beneficial for society. School, and the system doesn’t teach you that. I was always a C+/B- student just because I was able to “complete things” but I always did bad on test because I couldn’t memorize anything and I couldn’t read very well. I was consumed by the idea that I needed to be “all those things” if I wanted to be success and if I wanted to “get a good job.” When in reality my gifts of creativity and vision were the “things” that were going to allow me to CREATE the jobs instead of looking for them.

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Our company is built for the people and by the people. We represent a movement in the health and wellness space designed to reconnect people with their relationship with food and their ability to eat how we were designed to eat, intuitively. Our program is a journey designed to help you learn about your bodies portion control, how to reduce inflammation in your body, manage toxicity, and establish a life of movement. Our promise is that when you complete our program, you will never have to diet again. We believe, we killed the diet and that is what separates us from everyone in the wellness industry. Unlike the traditional business strategy of creating a prolonged dependency, we in fact hope when you are done with our program you never come back. We are on a mission to eliminate the diet culture and shift it from a self-restricting to a self-caring lifestyle with our holistic and flexible approaches to food. This was one of the most challenging roadblocks to face in the wellness industry. We had to address a question that most companies and coaches were profiting off of, and that question was: “do diets really work?” Do supplement dependencies really work? Along the way I have learned that you cannot allow people to dilute your vision. You have to stand strong in your purpose and find like minded people to believe in and support a cause. No global impact is done by one person, it is done by a collective group all contributing to one cause. Its not about who is the best at this or that. Who can handle this or do that. Its about who BELIEVES in the bigger picture.

Any great local spots you’d like to shoutout?
First thing I would say is not to come in the summer lol. Our mornings would consist of great cup of coffee and conversation. Either schmooze in old town, the bar top at morning squeeze, or for a matcha latte at provisions coffee. Definitely an off the beaten path hike, nobody has time for the lines at camelback mountain. I am also a frequent visitor of scottsdale quarter or zipping around old town on some electric scooters. Evening spots depend on the vibe. Sunset patio spots like olive and ivy or getting take out and sitting in a park. The key is being outside. When the sun goes down it would probably be time for some sipping tequila. I like dive bars, speakeasies, and trendy spots. So depends on the vibe again. Honor amongst thieves, toca Madera, taco guild, under tow, or grand central.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I’m going to speak from the other perspective. I represent the group of people who didn’t have mentors, leaders, books, or anything to support the vision we were creating. Nobody had done it and nobody had quite understood it, so it was a lonely road at first. I dedicate this should out to my team. The people that work behind the scenes to make all of this happen. They are the ones who believe in the vision and who work with me 24/7 to build a legacy that will impact the world. I also dedicate this shout out to all the past, current, and future participants of our program. The ones who trust and believe in what we are doing. Without them, we are just an idea

Website: Nutriscribe.com **changing*** to nrish.com 6/15/20.
Instagram: i.am.willpowered
Facebook: Will Armijo