What are you most passionate about? Why?

We asked some folks we admire a simple question: What are you most passionate about and why? Check out their responses below.
I would say I’m the most passionate about seeing my clients succeed. To me, this is found on set working with “new face” models/ talent and seeing them nail those winning shots. You can see the joy translate through their final images which in return help them book new jobs. It’s a win-win situation. Read more>>
Have you ever looked in the mirror and didn’t quite like what you saw? I’m not talking about just physically, although that may also be true. I’m talking about collectively as a person. Maybe you don’t think you are where you should be right now with your job or career. Or perhaps your relationship isn’t as smooth as it should be- and question why you yell at each other over the smallest things. Maybe you look in the mirror and the first thing you see is that spare 20 pounds you’ve had for years and never get around to getting rid of. Read more>>
My passion really is two-fold… and the reason I started it back in 2004. I wanted to provide a service to small business owners – who couldn’t afford to hire staff – but needed help. The fact is – a businesses simply can’t grow when the owner is trying to do all of the operations and administrative work themselves. The business owner should be spending more time focusing on servicing their clients and marketing themselves. When they are stuck in their own way – doing too much of the “busy” work, they become tired, burned out and overwhelmed. Read more>>
I am most passionate about creating. As an artist, my photography is my primary vision and my voice, but there are many ways in which we “create” as human beings. Our imaginations, creative energy and ability to share it is what makes humans so extraordinary. From our complex language skills to our fine motor skills, the world is colored with beautiful human creations. It is within these abilities that many of us find our purpose, contribute positively, and effect change in culture and society. Read more>>
I am most passionate about helping people onto a path of health. Many of the patients I see in my medical practice, have been stuck at the survival state of health—they are stuck in the valley between sickness and survival and are unable to get over the hump towards health and wellness. Part of naturopathic medicine is seeing patients as a whole, unfortunately the current medical system tends to see people in piecemeal segments. Read more>>
I truly love making women feel good about themselves, my passion is people. The feeling I get when I’m able to turn someones day around, be there for them, cry with them, laugh with them, share stories with them. My job is so much more then just doing hair. I build relationships, friendships ❤️ I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Read more>>