Hardwork? Luck? Good habits? What would you say is behind your success? We’ve shared some thoughtful responses below.

Moriah N Boone | Model & Actress

It may sound clique, but the most important factor behind my success thus far is the result of not giving up. You could be the most talented, beautiful, and intelligent individual out there but without work ethic and determination, you simply will not get that far! Read more>>

Jeremy McArthur | Land Broker

Work ethic, persistence, integrity, and my vast knowledge of all aspects of land have propelled my success in land brokerage. Like most careers, there are ups and downs while navigating through a career in land brokerage. Self motivation and persistence are some key personality traits that help make those ups and downs feel almost like a smooth ride. Those are not things you can train an employee to have unfortunately. You may be able to help someone attain those traits for a short period of time, but all people fall back to their natural personality at some point. Luckily, I have those personality traits that help me to keep an even keel through those perceived ups and downs and continue to move forward at all times. While persistence and ones work ethic help keep the positive momentum in a business, it really depends on ones integrity to maintain the relationships that are important in life and careers. Read more>>

Jaime Castillo | Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I don’t believe individuals become successful by their own doing. While becoming successful does require individual characteristics like determination, focus and perseverance, I owe a lot of my personal success to the support of my family, who instilled in me that I could do anything I wanted and who provided unwavering encouragement when I doubted myself. Kathryn Minshew once said, “A company is only as good as it’s people” and she was absolutely right. Now that Find Your Shine is a group practice, its success is in large part because of the quality of our team. Each Find Your Shine therapist is absolutely exceptional. When making hiring decisions I ask myself, “Would I trust this person to treat my most beloved family member?” If the answer is no, I pass. Each one of our therapists is truly remarkable, all for different reasons. Read more>>

Kristen Smith | CEO & Instructional Designer

I am not afraid to pivot and to innovate. There have been countless times over the past few years that I realized my business needed to shift in order to thrive and survive. My service-based business has shifted to an entirely online operation, with both pre-recorded and live offerings, which has mostly come to life in the past 8 months. This shift helped me navigate the changing times and also gave me permission to use my creativity and instructional design expertise in a whole new way. This pivot helped me to reach more people with my virtual yoga certification and our virtual yoga studio. It has truly shaped what A&I is becoming and growing into! Read more>>

Lindsey Magee | Restaurant Owner & Baker

For me, success is defined by the achievement of my personal goals as the business owner. My main intention of starting up this business, was to create a space where creativity, community and family are cultivated. I definitely feel that this has been achieved at Ollie Vaughn’s kitchen and bakery. I believe the most helpful thing that I continually try to practice is to detach my ego from the brand. Community, family and creativity struggle to thrive when the leader is focused on their own image. I’ve seen many business where the owner ties the success/failures to their own identity and I believe that can create a lot of fear and anxiety in the environment. This space is so much more than me and the effort and love I contribute. Read more>>

Kristy Velesko | Creative Fine Art Photographer

Being authentic. I find my best work comes when I don’t think or care how the world will take or accept it, just creating for me. Not focusing on likes or what is “in” and not being afraid to sit on my weirdness. Read more>>

Kalen Mehlman | Interior Designer, Artist & Art Teacher

Creative insight and personal authenticity are essential factors in the success of my brand and its ongoing growth over the past decade. As an interior designer and artist/art teacher, developing an ability to offer creative, current design services and inspiring art classes for children is an integral aspect of my brand. To have true integrity in working relationships creates brand longevity and growth while adding a true sense of trust. Read more>>

La Nita Nash | Author, Herbalist, Entrepreneur & Unschooling Mom

In my 20’s, a friend told me of the time he met Russell Simmons. He was an up and coming fashion designer and had a few minutes with the mogul. He asked Mr. Simmons one question; “What is the one piece of advice you would give me as a fashion designer”. Russell answered, “Do not stop”. I’ve held this memory with me for close to 20 years and truly believe it was a planted seed, waiting for proper sunlight and water to sprout. It has sprouted and its name is m business / brand Align with Plants. The cultural innovator and founder of Def Jam gave my friend what I now know is the best advice for any business or entrepreneur. Just do not stop. It’s such a simple response that I think most would hear and move on quickly looking for the real “secret” of the millionaires. Though, when we are passionate about what we do and we do not stop doing it, one day we will be known for doing it and we will at this time also recognize our success was decided by our actions. Read more>>

Kristin Arnold | High Stakes Business Meeting Facilitator & Keynote Speaker

When I started my business (1993), I created a business plan to help me think through all the elements of running a successful business. Most people think a business owner writes a business plan to obtain bank funding, but I found the process of writing and updating my business plan to be one of the cornerstones of my business. At the end of each year, I take a few days off to review the year and think about the next three years. This strategic planning process has allowed me to continually reinvent the business and stay relevant to my clients Read more>>

Isabelle Guarino | Chief Operations Officer

Our company Residential Assisted Living Academy is family owned and operated. This to me, is the most important factor behind our success. My father started this company in 2013 by showing others how he was creating cashflow in senior housing, while feeling good about his investments….and it’s only gone up from there! He asked me to come on board at first, as his assistant, and I loved it so much, I gave 110% effort and he soon promoted me to Operations Manager and eventually Chief Operations Officer of the entire company. Working alongside my dad has been such a blessing, we’ve been able to connect in a new way and I’ve learned so much being by his side. It’s also our super power! The fact that I know what he wants or needs before he even asks, has made our working relationship so seamless. We really enjoy one another’s company and have had so much fun building this brand together. Read more>>

RAUL Guerrero Jr | Chef & Owner

Consistency in our product execution, our marketing and the client experience. Read more>>

Monica Nicodemus | Experience Specialist

We are a Boutique Company. Each experience is specially contoured for our guests. No cookie cutter tours. Read more>>